Spring has definitely sprung don’t you think? The lambs are gambolling in the fields, baby ducklings are everywhere and the spring babies have started to arrive!
Willa came to see me a couple of weeks ago with here big sister Ruby and her parents. Willa’s such a great name don’t you think? It its the feminine version of William and means ‘resolute protection’ and I think that sums up Willa’s personality to a T – even though she’s only a newborn baby girl of 2 weeks. It evokes the pioneer strength and the beauty of the willow tree. Willa was definitely resolute in her decision not to sleep the day we took her photos, she was far to interested on what was going on. She did eventually have a small nap which allowed me to capture some lovely sleepy poses and show off her delicate features.
I’m looking forward to seeing her growing up and checking that that name lives up to this little lady!
For photographers – Backdrop- Roses and Ruffles and Headband – RedPoppyProps
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