Newborn Booking form Name:*First: Last: Address:*Street Address: Address Line 2: city: Region: Postcode: Country: Phone:* Email:* What is your due date or if Baby is already here please give date of birth * What is the sex of your baby? * Do you have any specific colours you'd like included? If so what are they? Any special requirements or requests? Terms and ConditionsTERMS AND CONDITIONS. Note - For the purpose of this document Red Poppy Photography shall be referred to as RPP. The visitor to the site or the individual (whether representing an organisation or not) who orders an image shall be referred to as the Client. 1) APPLICABLE LAW a) The laws of England and Wales shall govern this agreement. These Terms and Conditions shall not be varied except by agreement in writing. b) In the event of any conflict between these terms and conditions (including those relating to the time of payment) and those issued or submitted by the Client and in the absence of any contrary agreement in writing these Terms and Conditions shall prevail. 2) BOOKING FEE Booking fees taken for newborn, commercial or portrait sessions are non refundable except in the event RPP cancels the booking. Booking fees are as per the session fee and are payable on booking your session, your session is confirmed on receipt of said fee. 3) FULFILLMENT OF OBLIGATIONS a) RPP shall not be liable to the Client for any failure, in whole or in part, to fulfil its obligations where failure arises as a result of an event or circumstances beyond its control, which may include (but are not limited to) equipment failure, inclement weather, illness or injury. b) The Client understands and accepts that the photographic coverage will be as RPP’s professional expertise determines. Special requests are not binding instructions although every effort is made to comply with the Client’s wishes. c) In the unlikely event of total photographic failure or cancellation of the contract by either party or in any other circumstances the liability of one party to the other shall be limited to the total value of the contract. Neither party shall be liable for indirect or consequential losses. 4) PREVIEWS/PROOFS a) Although RPP will do its best to produce more proofs than discussed with the Client there is no guarantee that any particular number of proofs will be produced. 5) ARTISTIC INPUT a) Save as otherwise agreed between the Client and RPP, RPP shall be entitled to use its judgement regarding the style and artistic input in the production of pictures. This includes but is not limited to locations, poses and number of images taken. Due to the vagaries of weather and the willingness of subjects it may not be possible to capture all the pictures requested, or images to the clients full expectations. In the event of unco-operative children at a session of any kind, for any reason, RPP may not be able to capture any, or all the images the Client may have requested or expected. The Client is responsible for all children at all sessions. 6) COPYRIGHT & REPRODUCTION a) Copyright is retained by RPP at all times throughout the world. No image can be copied, scanned or reproduced in any form whatsoever without the prior consent of RPP. b) The Client may not alter or add to or manipulate a picture by means of computer or any other technique or reproduce a picture in whole or in part as an element within, or as a montage with, another picture without RPP’s written permission. c) Permission to reproduce a picture is granted to the Client by RPP only when a fee for the reproduction has been agreed with RPP and an invoice has been issued by RPP and paid in full by the Client to RPP. d) In the event of unauthorised reproduction, the Client shall pay by way of liquidated damages to RPP an unauthorised use fee of £1000 per image, or double the standard reproduction fee for the use concerned, whichever is the greater. e) The right to reproduce a picture granted by RPP is personal to the Client and may not be assigned to any third party without RPP’s prior written consent. f) The Client will fully indemnify RPP against any unauthorised reproduction of a picture submitted to the Client made by any third party as a result of or arising out of any breach by the Client of any of these terms and conditions (including but not by way of limitation the Client allowing a picture or a copy thereof to come into the possession of a third party without RPP’s prior written consent). 7) IDENTIFICATION a) While RPP has taken reasonable care to correctly identify, caption and orientate the pictures, it does not accept any liability for loss or damage incurred by the Client or any third party caused by any errors. 8) RECEIPT OF PICTURES The pictures are presumed to have been received in good condition unless the Client notifies RPP in writing of any discrepancy or error within 14 days of receipt. 9) COOLING OFF PERIOD a) Because the supply of the photographs has been made to the Client’s personal specification, (i.e. image number, print size, frame style, etc.), the Client does not have the right to a cooling off period. b) By placing an order with RPP you are committing to buy the ordered products. 10) USE OF PICTURES a) RPP retains the right in all cases to use the pictures in any manner at any time throughout the world for the purposes of sales, advertising or promotion of its work. 11) MODEL RELEASE a) Unless specified in writing, RPP makes no claim or warranty as to the existence or validity of connected therewith model or other releases in respect of the pictures or as regards the reproduction by the Client of any names or trademarks depicted in the pictures. It is the Client who must satisfy himself that all necessary rights, releases or consents required for reproduction have been obtained. IF ANY PROVISION OF THIS AGREEMENT IS HELD TO BE INVALID OR UNENFORCEABLE UNDER THE LAW, THE VALIDITY OF THIS AGREEMENT AS A WHOLE SHALL NOT BE AFFECTED, AND THE OTHER PROVISIONS OF THE AGREEMENT SHALL REMAIN IN FULL FORCE AND EFFECT. IMAGES ARE KEPT FOR A TWELVE MONTH PERIOD AT THE DESCRETION OF RED POPPY PHOTOGRAPHY. I have read and understood the above terms and conditions.*