Personal Branding with Bucks PA Network

I first met Sarah at a Girl Tribe Gang event early in 2018 and we’d clicked! I was asked to go along and talk about image and Personal Branding at one of her events last autumn. 

Buckinghamshire PA Network is a networking group for Personal Assistants, Executive Assistants, Virtual Assistants, Administrators and Office Managers who work or live in Buckinghamshire. The network provides a platform to share idea, best practice, build business relationships, meet peers and most importantly have fun!

The ladies in the room listened intently as I talked and asked lots of questions about building your personal brand even if you’re an employee and this turned into a lively discussion. If you’d like to know more about why having a personal brand as an employee is important check out my blog post here.

I also whisked each of them off to the pop up studio to take new headshots of each of them and to let them experience a brief shoot with me. 

Here’s some of the amazing results!



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